Can I leave keys to doorman or neighbor for lions parking to pick it up?

YES, We can Service your car without your participation.


Why I cannot set my pick up location?

We are only serving in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Long Island and NJ. You cannot unless you are in area.


Why I cannot request date with in today’s date?

We need to process and send our worker over it takes time 24 Hours in advance.


Where are my keys? I cannot find my keys!

If glow compartment is not locked we put keys in and lock car manually, we ask before if there is spare keys available.


I cannot find my car on the street.

We give you street name where physically car is parked and in what between streets specifying side.


Why I got charged full cost only for dropping the car one side?

We are charging NJ as round trip even if it is one way only.


I have paid for GAS and I don’t see it on Gauge. Why?

We are not paying for cost of gas its required to drive to Drop off or Back to the car owner.


Why my EZ-Pass Tag has charged?

We are not paying for cost of EZ-pass its required to drive to Drop off or Back to the car owner.